Hypnotic secrets of communicating and selling

For more information on these types of persuasive conversational communication techniques, join my mailing list at Real Estate Training Brisbane, get on my email list to be informed when their is live training or CD / DVD training in this and other skills and techniques, now read on….

I am asked every day how hypnosis relates to selling as it really is a misconception that hypnosis is some mystical thing that is done in a therapist’s chair.

 Hypnosis happens every day to YOU whether you know it or not. Think about the last time you  made a purchase. I bet the salesperson didn’t convince you to buy it, but for whatever reason you decided  you needed to have it. Well, Joe Vitale describes that state of mind as a ‘buying trance.’

And as a salesperson, you can use specific tools of communication to influence your clients, prospects, even family members to go into these ‘everyday trances’ where they just want to do what you suggest, but in their minds, they do it for their own reasons.

 Consider this seemingly innocent paragraph.

 ‘By now, you may have heard we had some issues trying to get this product in stores. Well you’ll be happy to know that it is now available for you to get in stores and you can feel great that you are only the right decision away from all the benefits of getting it today. So think to yourself, when making a purchase, what do you need to feel comfortable? With me and this product, we endeavoured to do that for every customer we have helped over the last 10 years. Thanks for listening. Bye now.’

 There’s a few little commands in there, and some of them are more obvious than others. Look for these commands –

‘Buy now’ (on more than one occasion and repetition is the mother of success in advertising and hypnosis.)

‘get this product in stores’ ‘get it today’ etc

‘feel great’

‘ feel comfortable with me and this product’

and if you take your time with your copywriting, you can literally ‘litter’ your words with this ‘covert’ persuasion and people simply ‘find themselves buying your product’ without all the sales closes.

Fun stuff, I urge you to take your command, whatever that is and see if you can put it into language that makes sense in a conversational way.

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