Beard or No Beard in Sales

I have sported a goatee for about ten years coz frankly, underneath it, I don’t have a chin. (makes changing sheets and pillow cases a challenge – haha, you’ll get it in a sec) ….

but seriously, there’s some subconscious shite going on that does not servie with facial hair. My lil man (now ten) but when he was three or so knew Mr Spock was the ‘EVIL’ Mr Spock from the alternative univerese, just by LEonard Nimoy sporting a beard, and think of this, most villains have facial hair and most heros have none (except Wolverine, who’s kind of an ‘anti hero anyway)

My take is, do it if it makes you feel good (like I do) but I accept that it probably costs me a few audience members/followers/clients, but I also figure me being self conscious about NOT having a jaw line, would cost me MORE !!

Rookie smashes it in just four months

Rookie smashes it in just four months
In just four months, this young dynamo has become the second highest lister in his office, second only to the Principal with a 20+ year history.

‘Real Estate Rocks’ event in Perth May 7

Perth Real Estate Training – Chris Gilmour and I are really looking forward to it. I’ll be sharing the results of the 18 month long study on the habits, behaviours and systems that awesome real estate agents have, that the 10,000+ who’ve left the industry during the time of my study, did NOT have or do !!!