Best Real Estate marketing video of all time

Ok, I may be biased because the 12th man albums were massive while I was a teenager, but if you’re 30-40, try and not laugh out loud at this….

Real Estate agent from Brisbane’s Northern Suburbs, Michael Spillane, has put together probably my favourite Real Estate marketing video of all time.

To contact Michael, visit him at

Comments 17

  1. Mark

    Very clever but looks like some copyright breaches have occurred here, would not be surprised if youtube removed it pretty quickly.

  2. Kevin Turner

    Very clever. It shows what can be done with a bit of talent and some creative thinking as opposed to the ‘race to the bottom’ soft pawn we have been getting dished up lately. Well done Michael.

  3. Tony Harper

    Very Clever, this was great imagine listing 10 properties a month pretty tough to come up with new ideas for them all but i liked it

  4. Glenn Twiddle

    Thanks for comments all. HAve a look at some of Michael’s others. He has dozens and dozens all with unique twists and turns, some more entertaining than others, but that’s the trick, being creative.

    A bit different than just saying ‘revier and city views’ or other stuff like that.

    Glad you guys liked as much as I did

  5. Matt Marshall

    I agree Glen, be creative …. but be careful not to cross that fine line between creative and tacky.

    I’ll let this one go through to the keeper … its to tacky for me to touch.


  6. Glenn Twiddle

    My point is not what we think but the RESULT for the owners. There is NO DOUBT that more eyeballs in the marketing and excitement means a higher price, when coupled with skill (which Michael has in droves).

    And the point is, this video was part of a very good marketing mix, where the right market would find this entertaining enough to pass around to friends, which they did with thousands of views in the marketing launch, and the property sold in less than a week for MORE than the asking price.

    Our opinion on tackiness or otherwise is completeley irrelevant. It was perfect marketing for the property/target market.

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