How to Kickstart or Re-energise a Real Estate Sales Career

How to Kickstart or Re-energise a Real Estate Sales Career

Make a decision – The first thing you should do is DECIDE that this is something you want to do. Watch the movie ‘Rudy’ and decide that the effort is worth it, and make it your mission to be the best. Go to for a copy if you can’t find it.

Become a life long learner – I am a full time trainer and speaker and I am still a student as often, if not more often, than I am the ‘teacher.’ For a list of where to start, visit , or email me and I’ll happily give you some of my favourites. Our rules are that if the sun is out, only CD training can be coming through your car stereo.

Build your database. Database is king in the new millennium. Your database is only as good as your ability to use it. As technology gets us in touch with each other in more varied ways and with increasing speed, we need to stay in touch with these advancements. That being said, this will always be a people business, so you can’t rely on your database, but you’ve got to build one. It’s your professional equity.

Make sure your database is segmented. If you have a potential seller on your database who isn’t selling for 7 years, and you contact him with property information and open homes every two days, they will unsubscribe, it’s just a matter of time. However, if your hot buyers only hear from you once a month, they will buy elsewhere, so categorise your contact accordingly.

Study people – There are many ways to improve your ability to communicate with others and influence them. Learn these skills!! Technology is only a small, but necessary part of the equation. The words that come out of our mouth, and the way we use those words are the only product we create, so make those words actually worth the commission you are charging your seller as their representative, and not just being a mere conduit between buyer and seller.

Don’t only email out property stuff. There is a psychological principal that was made famous by Cialdini called ‘Reciprocation.’ The great Aussie tradition of ‘the shout’ at the pub is based on this. Imagine I was to take you out to dinner on a Monday, and I picked up the bill. Then on Thursday we went out again, and again I paid, would you not feel increasingly obligated to repay me in some way? Utilise this principal by GIVING to your list, and not just offering ‘Free Appraisals.’ It’s tired, done to death and your list know they can get a free appraisal so don’t be wondering why they aren’t leaping for joy when you offer them this amazing service. Get more creative. What you give them doesn’t have to cost the earth either, but give give give !!! Especially your potential sellers who aren’t selling yet, and may not sell for many years. Reciprocation encourages referrals !!!!

Businesses are people too !! Why just market to individuals in your marketplace? Build strategic liaisons with local business owners who might want to tap into your evergrowing database. And give referrals for free, without a thought of ‘what’s in it for me?’ Just give and you’ll get back. It’s psychology, not magic. Business owners own properties and deal with hundreds, even thousands of people every month. Think outside the square.

Think like Lexus !! – I have a few videos on YouTube on the subject of ‘Customer Service’ and how much it is said, and how rarely it is experienced. There are many companies (banking, telecommunications, etc) that are WINNING AWARDS and yet I think we’ve all experienced their idea of customer service. They are hardly developing what I call ‘Raving Fans.’ Check out my videos on YouTube for what Lexus do, and find a way to think like LEXUS. They are living it, not just saying it.

And think about what real estate agents often think of as great customer service, maybe a 50c Christmas Card once a year. We’ve got to do more than that.

Get Mentored, Trained and Coached. The first thing I did when getting into real estate was invite the 3 best agents in Brisbane out to lunch, no matter what the cost. And one of the best took me up on the offer. And I listened to his advice, and DID IT. So whenever someone successful gives you a tip, respect them enough to do what they say. If they’re a millionaire and you’re not, just do what they say. They know better than you (for now, keep learning and catch them)

Reward Referrals – I don’t mean the clients, I mean the person who REFERRED them. A thank you is nice, a small gift is better, but think about this. If I was a real estate agent and I gave you a referral, you’d happily give me 20% of the commission for a good referral. Would you be willing to give a member of the public something to the value of 20% of the commission? Why not, if you’d give it to a colleague for the exact same thing? And reward them with something THEY would like, but wouldn’t normally get it for themselves.

About the Author

Glenn Twiddle is internationally known as the no B.S., straight shooting, Real Estate and Marketing Trainer and Author from Australia.

He states ‘I teach Real Estate Agents a step by step, 1-2-3 system for becoming the Number 1 Real Estate Agent in your area in 3 years or less, no matter what your experience right now. It’s worked for me and my salespeople in my business, for many of my coaching clients, and if you learn it and apply it in the manner it’s described, there’s a good chance it will work for you too.

For a free 10-CD and 2 DVD training program, that retails in various Real Estate shops for $1164 at full price, visit

and you can have a copy for free.

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