Real Estate Agent Secret Shop Final Results

The Real Estate Agent Secret Shop Final Results
While I will continue, with my teams of clients around the country, to keep tabs on things, I am done with my year long exercise ‘secret shopping’ agents open houses because the results are in, and clearly, there is a winner….

7 Top Questions About Technology in Real Estate

Matthew Sullivan, nice bloke from Real Estate Business, the online publication, and I believe they are about to go into a physical mag, contacted me asking for comments on how you guys are using technology.

More Real Estate Listings?

Here are two little tips to add to your Listing Presentation that will increase your Listing Presentation conversions OUT OF SIGHT.

1) Any that are ‘no’ or ‘maybe’ or ‘let me think about it,’ ‘let me interview the other agents and we’ll see’ etc, basically anything except a YES, apply this script to get the reluctant prospect over the line.

“Mr. Smith, obviously you’re not interviewing agents because you think it’s fun or because you have nothing better to do with your time. You’re doing this because you don’t want to make a mistake.”

Play Time is Over

Ok, seems I’ve been lying to you. I didn’t know it, and I didn’t mean to, but it seems I have. Let me explain… You …

Chris Gilmour – ‘The Real Estate Phenom’

They used to call a wrestler called the Undertaker ‘The Phenom.’ Mainly because he holds this undefeated streak at Wrestlemania of 14 and 0 or something. Well the real estate equivalent of that is one of my guys from the Southside called Chris Gilmour.

Adding Massive Value in Real Estate

Man, we’re in trouble. I have been talking to a bunch of real estate agents of late about ‘value’ and how cost cutting organisations in our industry are there and able to survive because of the marketplace perceiving less value in full service agencies.

The QREAS wrap up

Well guys, we’re done and dusted for the Qld Real Estate Agents’ Summit – Brisbane this round, and boy wasn’t it a ripper.

Some of the testimonials we received were out of this world, so thanks to you all who came and made it the best event Qld Real Estate Training has seen once again.

The speakers again blew us away with their material.