Joel Bauer’s Presentation MasterClass

Speaking & Business Communication Certification Training

Exclusive Event July 15-19, 2017 / Sydney Australia

Only 40 New Students Will Be Accepted Period. By Application ONLY!

One Time Payment – Pay In Full


12 Month – Easy Payment Plan


Are You Ready for the best and most complete training available?

Whether you’re already a top paid speaker or just starting out would you like to transform your business, find your true passion, connect to what it is you love to do, communicate in a way that you’ve never done before, unblock yourself so that you become an inspiring, influential person affecting all those surrounding you just by what it is you have to say?

The Time is now to join Joel at his MasterClass for what could easily be…

The Most Life Transformational & Potentially Profitable Personal Development Process You’ll Ever Invest In.

Bauer’s MasterClass Outcome

In less than a week you will possess the tried and true skills of Joel’s life work which will enable you to speak from the heart, transform your business and your life, create true and lasting relationships, position yourself as an expert, become a trusted adviser and platform closer if you choose to, plus massively increase your income as well as your closing ratio.

In addition to this, you will receive bonuses easily valued over $100,000. And on top of that, if at the end of the first day, you don’t think the program is right for you, Joel will give you your money back, no questions asked (you will not be able to attend the rest of the event obviously).

Joel offers the most complete speaker training available period. But more importantly, Joel offers something that no other speaker trainer on the planet offers… His life’s work poured into a FLAWLESS system. You will gain much more than just the best, most complete and effective speaker training, Joel gives you everything!

One Time Payment – Pay In Full


12 Month – Easy Payment Plan


You may already know this, but Joel has trained 1900 of the top producing speakers, mentors and trainers in the world including:

Harv Eker, Armand Morin, Mark Victor Hansen, Eve Michaels, Alex Mandossian, Mike Koenigs, Debbie Allen, Robert Allen, Christine Comaford, Joe Polish, John Childers, Linda Clemons, Eben Pagan, Wendy Robbins, Jordan Belfort, Paul Lemberg, Lynn Rose, Mike Citron, Jenny Armato, Adam Urbansky, Brad Fallon, Terri Levine, Scott Deming, Judeth Wilson, Dave Lakhani, Ed O’Keefe, Joanna Martin, Chet Rowland, Brad King, David Fagan as well as hundreds of other successful business professionals.

Harv Eker

Terri Levine

Mark Victor Hansen

Eve Michaels

Alex Mandossian

Debbie Allen

Mike Koenigs

Robert Allen

Joanna Martin

Armand Morin

One Time Payment – Pay In Full


12 Month – Easy Payment Plan


Why is it that these top professionals seek out Joel Bauer’s training?

Because Joel’s training can greatly impact your income, but also because Joel’s training transforms lives.

Joel’s MasterClass is much more than just speaker training, and the beauty of Joel’s training is that you don’t have to already be a speaker. Joel Bauer’s MasterClass will go far beyond the speaking aspect, but will help you a great deal with your speaking and communication skills as well as your closing ratio. Whether you’re already a top paid closer or just wanting to become a speaker, you can learn Joel’s life work & mastery of skills and put them to use immediately.

Even if you are blocked by fears of speaking, Joel’s proven process will help you get over your fears, so you can speak with confidence, get your message out and help improve the lives of others while making the type of income you and your family deserve.

Joel’s students have reported a huge increase in income as a direct result of his training.

One Time Payment – Pay In Full


12 Month – Easy Payment Plan


What you will gain from Bauer’s MasterClass is directly related to your ability to take action, but Joel makes this easy for you because he gives you everything on a silver platter.
  • 5 Days & 5 Nights hands on training with Joel Bauer
  • How to build your pitch to virtually sell anything
  • How to command and control a room driving your audience to buy or take whatever action you want them to
  • Footage of you speaking in front of an audience as well as an interview with Joel, this is priceless as it positions you as an expert
  • Although this is not a networking event, you will create some very lucrative and lasting business relationships
  • How to use embedded commands, driving your audience to take action
  • How to anchor yourself and your product so that your audience associates you with a positive life changing experience
  • How to increase your income with a single crafted presentation/pitch
  • Persuasion techniques including hypnotic & NLP language
  • And much much more!

Transformational 6 Days & 6 Nights with Joel Bauer

What Graduates Say

One Time Payment – Pay In Full


12 Month – Easy Payment Plan


After Bauer’s MasterClass you’ll own all the necessary skills to start your own speaking business, or increase the profitability of your business even if your business is already successful.

Special Bonus

Joel even gives you a complete pitch already crafted and complete, ready to be presented, all you have to do is plug in your personal information.

In addition to the intense speaker training you will
receive, Joel gives you over $100,000 in bonuses including:

  • Bonus: As mentioned above, the complete pitch/presentation ready to go
  • Bonus: Joel’s library of reservoir of graphics and images for your own presentations. He has painstakingly combed through all the image banks, paid for the rights to use high-resolution photographs and spent hours to touch up and enhance for his own pitches. End results? Beautiful high quality clean images that sell and convey emotional messages!
  • Bonus: Joel’s custom-designed presentation software. This software comes with his revenue-generated step-by-step marketing template and all you do is to drop your ideas in. This powerful software will also synchronize your video files with your slides. Robert Allen told Joel that he would easily have paid US$11,000 for this piece of software! End results? A sales pulling presentation with heart-warming video testimonials that project your professionalism
  • Bonus: Joel’s Personal Graphics Mastery Training Sequence. You will learn the principles, design and execution of how to use images to get people to beg you take their money…
  • Bonus: Joel’s pre-show Subliminal Conditioning Auto-Run Presentation. Before the start of your presentation, your audience will view carefully-crafted messages and images that will prepare them to be more receptive to your selling pitch.
  • Bonus: A year’s worth of additional video coaching sessions after the event to support you after this incredible, life-changing transformational Profit Point Experience.
  • Bonus: VIP Master pass to Joel’s two day Passion to Profit event, as long as Joel runs the event
  • Bonus: Joel’s personal media contact list connecting you to just about everyone in the media
  • Bonus: Joel’s ‘ASSET’ DataBase – This literally represents his life work! It has his promotional photo shoots, sales forms, room layout, brochure inserts, press releases, press kits, event preparation documents, bio, vocal warm up resource, books he’s read, tools and equipment he uses, his favorite words and speeches!
  • Bonus: If you apply and are accepted for this MasterClass before Joel’s next Passion2Profit weekend event, Joel will give you two VIP Master passes to that event so you can jump start your success!

No doubt Joel Bauer’s ProfitPoint is a sizable investment, but you could easily recoup that after just one speaking gig.

As you already know, Joel will only accept forty NEW students. You must apply to attend this event as what you will learn is so powerful that Joel wants to make sure he only accepts those worthy, and those who will use his skills to help others in a positive way, and not just extract loads of money from a room, although you will learn how to do that too.

Next MasterClass Event

Joel Bauer is offering the most comprehensive training he has ever offered and you can be one of the first to be invited…

One Time Payment – Pay In Full


12 Month – Easy Payment Plan


Space Extremely Limited — Joel Bauer will personally mentor a maximum of 40 new students.

Rave Reviews

Ann  DeVere


“$475,000 in 174 Days!”

Joel enabled me to strategically position and present my ideas… Taking me from $0 to $475,000 in 174 days.

Emma Tiebens


“$25 per hour to $25,000 per client!”

Joel’s systems & events transformed me from $25 per hour to $25,000 per client and from an unknown to an International Best Selling author, speaker, media personality & brand positioning consultant.


Brad & Jen Sumrock

Real Estate Investors

“We Generated $272,000”

In just less than five months we generated over $272,000 as a direct result of Joel’s training!


Fred Van Liew

The Water Doctor

“$1.2 Million in a little over 2 Years!”

$1.2 million in a little over 2 years! I honestly wasn’t sure what to think of Joel Bauer when I first attended his workshop. I followed his training and the numbers speak for themselves. Thank you Joel!


Peng Joon

Internet Marketer

“Do Whatever it Takes to Meet Joel”

Those who know me know that I never give out testimonials unless there was a significant impact in my life. Joel is one of them. If you are aspeaker, presenter, marketer, author and you want to take it to the next level, you want to do whatever it takes to get in touch with Joel!


Srini Saripalli

Father & Business Professional

“Easily Over $112,000”

Less than a year after training with Joel, I have easily put over $112,000 of additional income into my bottom line. This additional income I directly attribute to my Joel Bauer education.


Johnathan Jacques
University Student

“Do Whatever it Takes to Meet Joel”

Joel’s training enabled me to: Generate $60,000 per year while in high school, appear on television and in 100+ newspapers & Magazines, gain acceptance to Babson University and secure my current executive shareholder position.


Jorge Bueno
Financial Consultant

“200,000+ in New Revenue”

$200,000+ in revenue through my systems, books, webinars, events and multiple revenue streams. Joel’s training and support made it possible!


Nishant Kasibhatia
Memory Trainer

“An Amazing 25% Conversion!”

I just conducted my second sales group presentation today and had an amazing 25% conversion! This is my best ever closing. I have specifically used Joel’s techniques (of course!). The best part was I had GREAT fun doing it. Thank you Joel!


Tony Robbins
Speaker & Life Coach

“Persuasion to a Whole new Level”

Joel Bauer has brought the art and science of persuasion to a whole new level. His remarkable technologies will amaze even the most dedicated of skeptics.


Mark Victor Hansen
Author of Chicken Soup for the Soup & The One Minute Millionaire

“Joel Bauer is the Master’s Master”

Joel Bauer has a level of impeccable perfectionism that I’ve never witnessed anywhere else in any other speaker. I’ve been around this business for 30 years and studied all the best of the best… politically, theologically, business-wise and academically. I’ve never seen anyone come in and mesmerize a crowd, take ownership of their mind, please them and have them ecstatically excited. He’s the Master’s Master.


Robert G. Allen
Author of Nothing Down & Multiple Streams of Income

“Double or Triple my Closing Percentages”

My name is Robert Allen. I’m a famous author of a lot of best selling books and I speak to a lot of audiences and I’m pretty good at closing… to tell you the truth I’m pretty darn good. It took me a long time to figure that out, but by watching Joel, learning from him, I absolutely know that I’m going to take my closing percentage and double or triple it. Because when you watch what he does and learn the techniques and the structure he uses behind what he’s teaching, you know that you can apply it yourself.


Joe Polish
Internet Guru, CEO Piranha Marketing

“Joel made all the Difference”

Joel earned his consulting fee within ten minutes of walking into my office. Joel showed us how to increase perceived value, which diminished attendees concerns to our high ticket platinum program.


Martin Howey
Business Trainer, CEO Topline Business Solutions

“Joel Bauer will Change your Business”

Joel Bauer will literally change the way you conduct your business, the way you view and live your life and the results you get in terms of happiness, satisfaction and financial reward.


Wendy Robbins
Founder of Nowhere to Millionaire

“$10,000 in credit card debt to $10,000,000”

I went from $10,000 in credit card debt to $10,000,000 (10 million USD) in 4 years. I’ve had some of the best mentors in the country. Joel, just by watching him and spending time with him, I realized this is the guy I want as my mentor…

Don’t miss your chance — SEATS ARE LIMITED!

One Time Payment – Pay In Full


12 Month – Easy Payment Plan
